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Epassi was ranked #1 in its own category in the Talouselämä 500 annual report

Date: 07 Jan 2022
Category: Portfolio news
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Talouselämä, the leading weekly business magazine in Finland, publishes every year a list of the 500 largest Finnish companies based on turnover.

Epassi continues to climb huge steps in the rankings on the Talouselämä 500-list!

Epassi Group has been ranked as the 231st biggest company in Finland top 500 companies (487th last year). According to the annual Talouselämä 500 report, Epassi is one of the fastest growing companies in Finland.

"We are truly proud and excited about this recognition. Our growth is a signal from our customers that we are focusing on the right and relevant things at Epassi. During the last five years our userbase has increased more than sixfold. With today’s close to 2 million users, we have grown to become the leading employment benefit player in the Nordics. Our mobile and digitally trimmed product portfolio seems to be just what employers need in order to take good care of their employees. Our job has a true purpose, it is a privilege to boost the everyday well-being of the employees. It drives us further"

Epassi Pekka rantala Testimonial Image

Pekka Rantala

CEO - Epassi

Even greater news is that with 95% growth in turnover Epassi is the #1 fastest growing company in Finnish consumer services category and 17th of all Finnish companies. It is noteworthy that the growth figures are due to the fact that this took place during the epidemic, when a large part of the services of employee benefits were closed down or at least limited. Epassi will continue to aim for significant sales growth by also producing new products for employee benefits. Stay tuned!

Talouselämä has listed the largest companies in Finland since 1962, which started with listing the 100 largest companies, and since 1990 the list consists of the 500 largest companies.

Find the complete list of Talouselämä 500 here.