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Mediq Finland and Epassi start supplying coronavirus home testing kits to employers

Date: 04 Jun 2021
Category: Portfolio news
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When corona related restrictions are being lifted, it is important for employers to ensure as safe as possible return of employees to work and risk-free working conditions at work places.

Mediq Finland and Epassi have signed a contract on supplying inexpensive coronavirus home testing kits to employees. The test has been designed for the recognition of the coronavirus disease by using a rapid antigen definition based on samples taken from the front part of the nose. The test result will be available in approx. 15 minutes.

"We have received several assignments from employers and our merchants to find out about the possibility of delivering home testing kits to employees when such tests are available, and therefore, we seized the opportunity immediately when Mediq informed us that they were going to introduce home testing kits to markets. Along with the employee benefits supplied by Epassi, they have a strong role in promoting the overall well-being of working communities, and this is a natural continuum to launch co-operation with employers, merchants and a supplier of well-being services. We were able to negotiate the contract and the delivery process at an extremely rapid schedule with Mediq Finland; thanks to them for that."

Epassi Pekka rantala Testimonial Image

Pekka Rantala

CEO - Epassi

The aim of coronavirus home testing kits offered by employees to their personnel is to prevent the risk of spreading the infection in working communities. Service providers in particular, who have suffered most severely from the epidemic, will be able to open their services at lower risk, by taking care of the well-being of their own staff. It is easy to apply the home testing kit, and the test result will be available immediately.

"The Epassi Group has 8 000 employer clients and 27 000 merchants who employ more than one million employees in Finland, and they will now have a chance to place the orders directly to our customer service without intermediaries, and the delivery process will be quick regardless of the number of employees. This kind of preventive operating model contributes to the conquering of the coronavirus nationwide, and for this reason, the cooperation with Epassi is an important opening for us directly to the employer field. We have agreed that any employer may contact Epassi to place an order, even though the employer were not yet Epassi’s client or retailer."

Heidi Liikkanen

Managing Director - Mediq Finland

In addition to the clients of Epassi, coronavirus home testing kits will be available to the clients and merchants of Eazybreak, too. Eazybreak became a part of the Epassi Group in a company acquisition that took place in March 2021. The customer base of the Epassi Group consists of different companies from start-ups up to the most significant employers in Finland, from all business sectors.

The home testing kit referred to, recognizing coronavirus and being CE-marked, SARS-COV-2-antigen rapid test should not be used as the only basis to diagnose or to exclude a coronavirus infection. Because the test result is a situational picture valid only for a moment, tests should be repeated in accordance with the recommendations given by local authorities. If there is a concern about exposure or there are possible symptoms, please obey authorities’ instructions and seek medical services. There is more information about testing available in the website of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, THL.

Founded in 2007 in Helsinki, Epassi Payments Oy is the market leader in the field of mobile payments for personnel benefits. The unique solution combines all benefits to a single mobile application. Epassi serves over 35 000 service providers, 9 000 employers and 1.5 million employees in Finland and Sweden. Epassi is the leading fintech company in the Nordic countries, awarded by the Financial Times as one of the most rapidly growing enterprises in Europe. www.epassi.fi.

We in Mediq Finland have a great passion towards our work, and for this reason, our customers can rely on our expertise based on more than 50 years’ experience. We are an expert in the field of health care products and services, with a vast experience, and a competent cooperation partner.  We can supply working solutions – both large and small ones – for both public and private health care, laboratories, enterprises and consumers. We provide solutions that enable Finnish health care sector to stay on top of the world, also in the future. The Mediq Group has over 3000 employees in Europe, of whom 150 are in Finland. www.mediq.fi.