Energy and carbon
Bregal Responsible Investment Report 2022
Read the full case study and find out how we championed a responsible investment approach in our 2022 report.
Cafeyn seeks to embed ESG into its value proposition by promoting local and independent journalism to improve business integrity in the media industry and to contribute to protecting democracies.
Cafeyn executed on several ESG commitments in 2022 while continuing to expand its global presence. Notably, Cafeyn took steps to green its operations and delivered on a strategic goal to improve gender diversity in leadership positions. 2022 highlights include:
Took meaningful action to reduce operational emissions by procuring 100% renewable electricity for its Paris headquarters and Utrecht, Netherlands office.
Cafeyn further expanded the scope and methodology of its Scope 3 calculation; while leading to a significant emissions increase, the company has flagged it as a priority area and it has already deployed low carbon cloud solution for data storage as one mitigation lever.
From 37 tCO2e in 2021
From 477 tCO2e in 2021
Contributed to the fight against ‘fake news’ through the promotion and support of independent journalism for future generations.
Up from 32% in 2021
Cafeyn provides free press access for French middle school students in collaboration with the French government.
It also established a partnership with the Guardian Foundation to help aspiring journalists from under-represented backgrounds break into journalism, with the support of a €100,000 grant from the Bregal Helps Initiative.
Advanced diversity in its leadership and workforce, maintained an established DEI policy and a formalised a recruitment strategy for diverse candidates.
Up from 41% in 2021
Progress towards carbon neutrality via data centre consumption reduction, travel policy optimisation, and expansion of renewable electricity in offices.
Improve benefits and inclusion programmes, such as parental leave and free nursery places, to retain a diverse workforce.
Bregal Responsible Investment Report 2022
Read the full case study and find out how we championed a responsible investment approach in our 2022 report.
Discover how we collaborate with our portfolio companies to help them improve their sustainability performance.